Advanced Financial Modelling VBA
Designed to be both Practical and Advanced
Service Description
This On-line Digital Course is separated into distinct modules that allows you to move your financial modelling skills to a new level. The course is designed to be both practical and advanced. You can survey the subjects in the outline and review particular items that are applicable to problems that you may be facing now or that you will probably experience in the future. Using intensive hands-on exercises and case studies of finished models, participants work through the theory and application of valuation and modelling issues that are difficult to solve without sophisticated VBA and functions. After introducing programming techniques that can address various problems in finance, participants apply the techniques in a real world context. A series of database files, project finance models, corporate finance models and other applications will be used to demonstrate how the efficiency of excel can be dramatically improved through using user defined functions; through creating VBA macros; through combining macros that read data with the INDIRECT function. A vast library of case studies, financial models, excel tools for financial analysis and other information is provided to participants.

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